SDL Citizen - Search Feature (Public Guide)


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  1. To search in SDL Citizen, tap the search icon.

    Step 1 image

  2. 3 search options will appear. To search for Properties, select that option from the menu.

    Step 2 image

  3. To search by block and lot, make sure to enter a space between the block and lot number. For example, block 250 and lot 1 should be entered as 250 1. Select the property from the search results.

    Step 3 image

  4. The property information will appear in the General tab. To view the property on the map, tap the Map button. To exit, click the back arrow next to your town's name (located at the top left). 

    Step 4 image

  5. To search by permit number, select Building Permits from the search menu. Note: You will need a valid permit number. 

    Step 5 image

  6. Enter the permit number into the search bar and select the address from the search results. Note: The blue icon at the bottom right of the screen will pull up a map of the town. 

    Step 6 image

  7. The Permit information will appear on the Permit tab. To schedule an inspection, click the Schedule Inspection button at the bottom of the screen. Note: You can also view any previous inspections on the Inspections tab. 

    Step 7 image

  8. The permit number will auto-populate. Select the SubcodeInspection Type and provide THREE Inspection Date options.  

    Step 8 image

  9. Scroll down to Add Notes. When finished, click the Submit Request button at the bottom.

    Step 9 image

  10. If your request has been successfully submitted, the following screen will appear along with your request number. To enter more inspection requests, tap the green Create More For This Permit button. Select the blue No, I'm done button to exit. 

    Step 10 image

  11. In the search menu, you can also select Scan Permit Barcode. This option will access your camera to scan a QR code for a permit to access the permit information. If you do not have a QR code, you will need to use one of the other search options. 

    Step 11 image

Here's an interactive tutorial

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