SDL Citizen - Complaints  - View Issues Feature (Public Guide)


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  1. In this demonstration, we will show you how to use the View Issues feature. Log into SDL Citizen and tap on View Issues.

    Step 1 image

  2. You will see a list of reported issues for the town. If you want to see the issues displayed on a Map, tap the Map button at the top.  

    Step 2 image

  3. The map will display a dot for each complaint. When you select a dot, the issue will appear at the bottom of the screen. 

    Step 3 image

  4. Select the issue to see more details. 

    Step 4 image

  5. Here are the details of the reported issue. Note: Some information may not be displayed for public users. Tap on the Map button to return to the map or tap Issues at the top left to return to the full issue list. 

    Step 5 image

  6. On the main issues list, you can find other options by tapping on the Plus button at the bottom.

    Step 6 image

  7. There are 2 options: Create New Issue or Filter Issue list. To create a new issue, tap Create New.

    Step 7 image

  8. To report an issue, select the Department, Issue Type, Location & add any Pictures before tapping Submit Issue. For more details, visit our guide on the Report Issue Feature. Tap Issues on the top to return to the Issue list.

    Step 8 image

  9. If you want to filter the issues, tap the Plus button at the bottom of the list and select Filter List.

    Step 9 image

  10. On the Filter and Sort screen, you can tap on the filter options to adjust your results.

    Step 10 image

Here's an interactive tutorial for the visual learners

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